Unused fic ideas
Some fic ideas I'd jotted down in my notes forever ago. Up for grabs, steal freely if something inspires you to write/draw/whatever.
Incubus AU
An AU that follows the canon plot, but Daniel is actually an incubus who arrives to Brennenburg under the guise of being haunted by the Shadow. In reality, he's trying to stop Alexander from leaving the realm, as ordered by the rulers of Hell, by seducing him and thus binding him with his magic. Lots of insane!Daniel opportunities; Daniel has horns, a tail, and red eyes in his true form. Alexander thinks he keeps seeing flashes of that form during intimate moments, but it's always during moments when he's out of it and believes it's just his eyes playing tricks on him.
Daniel can control the Shadow as a demon, using it to convince Alexander that the Shadow is haunting him. In the end Daniel traps Alexander, dispelling the Shadow at will, allowing the baron to finally realise what he is and what he's doing. Daniel reverts to his true form, climbs on top of Alexander, tearing him out of his clothes with a whispered "you're not going anywhere." Very horror-y and disturbing, but the sex is entirely consensual, despite Alexander being genuinely pissed off that his return home was once again prevented by someone.
Maddeningly vague oneshot prompts
Yes, these annoy me as much as they annoy you. No, I have no more context for any of these.
- Daniel seducing professor Herbert at Algiers
- Daniel having a complete breakdown in the morgue after killing his first victim, Alexander playing up the emotional trauma while pretending to comfort him
- Sexy but non-explicit oneshot where Alexander and Daniel get up, close and personal in a torture room after a cropping session. Daniel gives Alexander the permission to touch him with his bare hands; mild bondage themes, safeword usage, lots of teasing but no actual sexual contact.
- Daniel chained in a torture room with his hands pulled up on the strappado for some sexy times. Daniel's the one in charge, giving the orders to Alexander and telling him what he wants him to do.