About this site
aura tenebras is my personal fan shrine, solely dedicated to the 2010 classic survival horror game Amnesia: The Dark Descent and its memorable (pun intended), horrible, and horribly memorable (pun still intended) cast of characters. I created this site to act mainly as an archive for all my fandom content, such as art, comics, fics etc. that I've managed to create in the whopping +10 years I've been in this fandom. The title is a play on words, the root being 'Lux Tenebras', Daniel's ending theme song from the Amnesia soundtrack, and my name.
Most of the stuff you see here has been previously posted on my Amnesia-centric Tumblr and a couple of other social platforms, but I have very little trust in the longevity of social medias where all content is at the constant mercy of the platform owners and the whims of their funders - a terrible state of being for preserving fandom history, in other words. Especially a fandom focused on horror, a genre that's already so prone to being hit by censorship demands in the first place.
As mentioned on the home page, the contents of this site can and do include problematic, upsetting and objectionable themes - it's a horror game fansite, after all. Nothing has been censored, nothing will be censored, and individual comics or artworks are not marked for triggers.
Nowadays my fandom focus has shifted from creating to preservation, meta, and fandom history, so this site will likely not see much in the way of new art (but then again my muses are fickle, so never say never). I intend to keep updating it with my thoughts on the Amnesia franchise, however, and possibly even looking into some fandom lore as time goes by.
I do most of my updates and general maintenance of this site on Neocities code editor, hence the amount of recorded updates. I like to live dangerously.

Past layouts
Site layout history for the curious. Click to enlargen.
Version 1 (March 2023): Wanderer in Brennenburg
Version 2 (July 2023): Mayfair siblings